Following the resignation of Daniel Flint as Chair of Blaydon Harriers and Blaydon Race Organiser, the Committee received emails from over 10% of the voting membership requesting that we hold a Special General Meeting to address their concerns. At a subsequent meeting of the Committee it was agreed that all Committee members would stand down and we would accept nominations for election at the Special General Meeting.
The Special General Meeting was held on Friday 17 March 2023, at Blaydon Youth and Community Centre, for the following purposes:
Resignation of Daniel Flint as Chair and Blaydon Race Director - opportunity for members to ask questions and raise any issues.
To elect officers and Committee members
To resolve to review the constitution and governance structure of the Club to ensure it is in line with current regulation and best practice, and is fit for purpose
At the meeting the following officers and Committee members were elected:
Chair | Alex Muir |
Vice Chair | Isaac Dunn |
Treasurer | Martin Graham |
Secretary | Nicola Perry |
Membership Secretary | Robert Hulse |
Social Secretary | Nicola Alderson |
Men's Captain | Robert Young |
Ladies' Captain | Stephanie Ashall |
Media Co-ordinator | Joanne Graham |
Kit Co-ordinator | Helen Ballard |
Health & Safety Officer | Timothy Nichol |
Committee Member | Christopher Ashall |
Committee Member | Philip McGuire |
Committee Member | Izzi Henderson |
Committee Member | Paul Young |
Isaac Dunn was appointed Race Organiser.
Andrea Clarke was appointed as Lead Welfare Officer and Isaac Dunn was appointed as Welfare Officer.
You can meet the Committee here.
It was agreed to undertake a review of the constitution to ensure it is in line with current regulation and best practice.
Following approval, you will be able to read the minutes of the Special General Meeting and other meetings, here.